Monday, June 3, 2013

Grilled Veggies with Balsamic Mango Reduction

A lot of people claim to not enjoy zucchini or aubergine, but then gravitate towards it when it is on a veggie tray at a buffet...  This is extremely quick and easy and can be made ahead of time and served chilled or room temperature.

Try all the different types of aubergine in the market - it makes for a colourful display and they all have a slightly different, subtle flavour.  You can also do this with peppers, seeded tomatoes, onions, etc.

First toss in a dish with a little olive oil, grated garlic and salt & pepper.  Let them sit for 30 min. to 3 hours.  Grill on high heat, turning once.

For the balsamic reduction, just put about 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar in a small saucepan and add a half of a champagne mango, grated.  Simmer for 10 minutes, or so until slightly thickened.  Drizzle on vegetables.

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