Friday, March 29, 2013

You don't need a recipe for salad...

I just got home from yoga and was hungry as a bear.  It's really easy to make some unhealthy choices when you're starving.  If you can hang on an extra minute or two, make a salad.  You will thank yourself later.  Today I had arugula (though I prefer the European name, "Rocket!", kale, heirloom tomatoes, cucumber, red pepper hummus and a flax seed cracker.  Add a bit of Hillary's fat-free dressing, and it is perfection in a bowl.  I couldn't finish the whole thing.

Don't limit yourself to veggies, add fruit, a protein and/or nuts, too.  Occasionally I will indulge in a smidge of goat cheese or shaved parmesan.  Beware of store bought dressing - it can really be high in fat and calories.  If you find the veggies too tough, blanche them first by adding to boiling water for a minute or two and then shocking them in a bowl of ice water.  This works great for sugar snap or snow peas, kale, green beans or even carrots.

Recipe:  Hillary's No-Fat Dressing

3 parts balsamic vinegar
2 parts spicy brown or dijon mustard
1 part raw agave syrup
s & p
(sometimes I add some crushed red chilies if I'm feeling crazy)

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